Fall Scents Available September 12th!

As our favorite season fast approaches our hopes are high for some drizzly, fog infused PNW mornings. What's better than a slow Sunday, sipping coffee, curled up on the sofa, waiting for the football game to start? We can't wait. Bridge Nine's fall scents hit the shelves September 12th, just in time for Football to kick off. The line-up includes a fabulously reformulated Pumpkin Spice, the ever popular Spiced Cider and perfectly balanced Cranberry Orange. Complete the cozy feeling of fall by picking up one or all of these scents at the following locations:

Salty Teacup www.facebook.com/saltyteacup
8416 N Lombard 
Portland, OR 97203

Sweet Jayne www.sweetjayne.net
1914 NE Broadway
Portland, OR 97232

Made Here PDX madeherepdx.myshopify.com
40 NW 10th Ave
Portland, OR 97209

Union Rose www.unionrosepdx.com
7909 SE Stark St
Portland, OR 97215

The Portland Girl (NEW!) theportlandgirl.com
915 NE Oneonta St
Portland, OR 97211

Also find them online starting 9/12! www.bridgeninecandleco.com  


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