soy candle, organic candle, natural candle, candle maker, portland, oregon, handmade candle, Bridge Nine Candle Company, Portland Candle Company

The Making of a Bridge Nine Candle

When I first began making candles, before Bridge Nine Candle Co. was formally created, I scoured the Internet to find the absolute best soy candle-making process. I don’t remember how many different methods I tested. Each one promised to be the ideal way, but there were flaws and flourishes in each process. I knew I wanted to work with organic, natural, sustainable ingredients, but I didn’t know exactly how I would employ them.

Whenever you start to make something, you’re initiating a process of researching, testing, failing, and learning. Sometimes the results of a particular method were comically off. Other times, I recognized important aspects of the process that I would lock away for later. Still other items, things went just plain wrong. You learn. You adjust. You try again.

Eventually I created the proprietary process that has made Bridge Nine Candles what they are today. We still use the best organic, natural, and environmentally friendly ingredients, and all our unique containers are reusable in myriad ways. As it turns out, there is a way to make sustainable soy candles from quality ingredients, and now that we have our process dialed-in, I get to be even more creative and inventive as I try new aromas, working with an ever expanding set of ingredients.

I wanted to document some vital parts of the Bridge Nine Candle Co. candle-making process, and what better way to do that than through a photo essay?

Want to know how far things have come? When I first started, I used a small double boiler system to create each candle. Now, I utilize a wax melter that holds 350 pounds at a time. It has increased production tenfold!

The Making of a Bridge Nine Candle Co. Soy Candle

soy candle, organic candle, natural candle, candle maker, portland, oregon, handmade candle, Bridge Nine Candle Company, Portland Candle Company
The wax must be melted to the "ideal" temperature, which is where our large wax melter comes into play.
soy candle, organic candle, natural candle, candle maker, portland, oregon, handmade candle, Bridge Nine Candle Company, Portland Candle Company
Each container is prepped and wicked before the wax is portioned and weighed.
soy candle, organic candle, natural candle, candle maker, portland, oregon, handmade candle, Bridge Nine Candle Company, Portland Candle Company
Always pour hot wax very carefully! Our candles are all white, but color could be added at this stage.
soy candle, organic candle, natural candle, candle maker, portland, oregon, handmade candle, Bridge Nine Candle Company, Portland Candle Company
The aromas are poured and weighed. The more you add, the stronger the scent. Consistency is key so that each candle smells the same.
soy candle, organic candle, natural candle, candle maker, portland, oregon, handmade candle, Bridge Nine Candle Company, Portland Candle Company
The aromas and the wax are thoroughly mixed to ensure a uniform burn and aroma. As the wax is poured, I try to keep the bubbles out by pouring it the way I would pour a beer, with a slight tilt to the container. 
soy candle, organic candle, natural candle, candle maker, portland, oregon, handmade candle, Bridge Nine Candle Company, Portland Candle Company
The wick is set and centered, and then we let our candles cure for at least 24 hours before cleaning up the containers and fixing any imperfections.
I hope you'll follow Bridge Nine Candle Co. on Instagram and Facebook. Here's to a great finish to your winter and a colorful, warm start to spring!
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